About Us

Why must we develop a specialty dedicated to the treatment & betterment of the male. The male suffers biologically from many disadvantages compared to the female. Men have, on average, a 7-year shorter life span than women. Women are fortunate to have an advocate for their health in the form of the Gynecologist who takes care of them as they move into womenhood. Men are on the contrary neglected without a medical discipline dedicated to them like their female counterparts who are often willing to listen to their doctors, take advice including preventive measures & be complaint to treatments prescribed to them .

On the flip side of the coin, the modern day male patient has different expectations from a physician. He may expect straightforward solutions to a problem, and not advice on lifestyle. He is not willing to pay fees for receiving messages such as reduce weight, exercise more, stop smoking and decrease stress levels, which he views as everyday, freely available information and of which he is already aware. On the part of the physician there is thus some hesitation to convey such messages. Medicine is not an adversarial system; we try to help, if not please, our patients. Even if patients see the rational of such advice, it is often, at a personal level, impossible to break away from their established habits.

Our Course in Men’s health is to address all of the above forsaking the male in addition to cover in detail specific disorders afflicting the male as opposed to those found in women. But we will cover the female disorders that are caused by the male & vice versa. Additionally anything that affects the couple will be in the agenda of this instructional course so that the interest of the partner will not be left behind.

Didactic lectures will be the heartbeat of our course . Note that the lectures are framed from real life knowledge & experience & is intended to give the student a practical approach to the evaluation & management of men’s health disorders & the treatment of their partners where relevant in respect of situations where the dsorder in the male causes the female partner to malfunction or vice versa. At the end of the course there will be an on line Multiple Choice Question Examination for the Board Certification Qualification of our Institute for Men’s Health (Singapore) & candidates that pass the Examination will enjoy exemptions from major sections of the Diploma in Men’s Health Course from a recognized University we are arranging for our candidates to end up with a double Qualification if they attend a limited amount of time at that University & pass its Examination.

Finally, congratulations on embarking on this exciting new journey om acquiring knowledge & skills to start a new specialty in medical practice in the field of Men’s Health. As you start this graduate course of study remember to stay curious, focused & embrace every opportiunity to learn & grow. By chosing this on line method of graduate medical education you are combining a working life with studying. And why not? Afterall the workplace, our home life & place of play is where knowledge is obtained-as it is found not only in traditionally, somber, dark,  boring full time institutions of higher learning.. I can assure you that your dedication & hard work will pave the way for a successful outcome of your studies & you will reap a successful future indeed. Best of Luck

Professor Peter H C Lim

Executive Dean

Institute for Men's Health (Singapore)